Every year Labor
Day is a crazy travel weekend, and this year I got to participate in the
madness. I attended a wedding in New Jersey as well as Zac Brown Band concert
at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. To my surprise, the airports weren’t too insane
and my flight had a few open seats.
Southwest was the
airline I flew, and I was very impressed with their service. Neither of my
flights were delayed, everything ran smoothly, the staff was friendly, and
there were no apparent issues with anyone’s seating arrangements. Even the security
lines in 2 of the largest airports, ATL and BWI, ran quickly and efficiently.
I am a part of the
Southwest Rapid Rewards Program so I occasionally get emails about special
offers and future vacation ideas. Their website is also jam packed with
information about the services and products they offer, and well as a customer
service section if you have any questions or concerns. After looking through
their mentions on Twitter, they do mostly receive good feedback and customers
think they are extremely reliable, especially compared too United and American
Airlines. Their sentiment is 3:1 but their passion is only 10%. I think most
customers aren’t happy with the airline industry in general, but Southwest
seems to be one of the most favorable.
Zac Brown Band put
on an excellent performance and had a very talented opening artist. Their
sentiment is 9:1 with passion of 39% so clearly they are much more popular on
social media and have dedicated fans. They promote and post photos of their
tours on Facebook, Instagram, and their App, which overall does a great job of
keeping fans engaged. I definitely would love to see them perform live again!
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